The boys and girls high school cross-country regionals this weekend will be at Strong City. Show your Trojan pride and cheer on your school!
Saturday, Oct 22, 2022 Time 11:00 am at Tallgrass National Prairie Reserve - Strong City
Girls at 11:00 am, and Boys at 11:40 am.
On October 13, the Hillsboro Trojans competed in the League XC meet at Smoky Valley.
Leading the lady Trojans with a 3rd place finish was Quinlyn Funk with a time of 21:03.16. Three other runners placed in the top 15: Ainsley Duell came in 7th place with a time of 21:56.16, Moriah Jost 11th at 22:23.82, and Nora Hein 14th at 22:56.98 (a PR).
Trudy Hein came through with a time of 26:51.90, Grace Hein at 30:09.83, and Claudia Soo Hoo came in with a PR of 30:12.28. For our middle school side, we had PRs all around, one breaking the school record!
Riley Richert came in 3rd place in the 2-mile race with a time of 12:48.98 which broke the previous record by 52 seconds!
Our 7th graders ran the 1 mile and ran their fastest times of the season: Wyatt Dies got 11th place with a time of 6:40.19, Sam Werner 17th at 7:02.95, and Anna King 11th at 8:34.49.