Hillsboro High Golf Season
The Trojans golf season is already halfway through and the golfers have said it has been a fun season. The top returning golfers are junior Lincoln Wichert and senior Annaliese Jorgenson. Lincoln earned a varsity spot halfway through his freshman year and was part of the team that went to the 2A state tournament, Annaliese played in all varsity tournaments last season and had a few top-ten finishes during the regular season. Head Coach Scott O’Hare stated that the biggest challenge this season was having such a large roster of golfers with different experience levels and skills. They focus on finding the most effective way to help the experienced golfers progress while teaching the less experienced golfers the basics. The main goal is to get two to four more golfers to join Lincoln and Annaliese that have the skills and confidence to participate in 18-hole varsity tournaments.